Cross Language

Cross Language:

The language of the Cross

Lesson I

In the language of the Cross are only 144 basic factors.

A deep foundation of numbers and words. A correlation unshakeable universal order, inexorable. It means something very simple. For simplicity, many are lost through carelessness with facts. But its practical use is too easy. For this reason, it must first be seen the value with respect. The philosophy was to later.

First, with simplicity, assume the following:

To facilitate each sign of the zodiac given a name.

To maintain a certain extent: there are twelve signs.

In this make-believe, the logic of the sign is in its new name. Like this:

Aries – Courage

Taurus – Respect

Twins - Freedom

Cancer - Purity

Lion -  Loyalty

Virgin - Grace

Libra  - Temperance

Scorpio – Silence

Sagittarius - Justice

Capricorn - Honor

Aquarius - Mercy

Fish – Love

In fact, these names were chosen by poll only among astrologers.

You only need to confirm whether the names are correct. Cases are right must have some kind of logic. In this case even for those who know nothing about astrology.

To check, will it be difficult? Do the names makes the difference?

Go ahead!

In this figure with some attention or better intuitively defined as follows:

A secret about the signs of the Zodiac!

A revelation of the Universe by the numbers! ...

So pay attention!

The sign of Aries () is opposition to the sign of Libra ().
This means that Courage is opposed to the Temperance ...
By definition the opposition means: on the contrary, balance, add, share, face, conciliation, antagonism, etc. In short means the moderation component.
In fact, this way both are justified as companions. The Courage must Temperance to be moderation. Similarly, Temperance need more momentum addition reaction.
Then: Courage = action; Temperance = reaction.
So in all Zodiac opposition there is an action that causes a reaction!

As this first level is the study of numerology, then:

Aries – Courage = 1 – Libra  - Temperance = 7

In sequence:

The sign of Taurus –  Respect is opposition to the sign of Scorpio – Silence.
In the same circumstances: action Respect determines the Silence reaction.
No further details to clarify, this is also correct

Taurus – Respect = 8 –  Scorpio – Silence = 2

The following:

The sign of Twins – Freedom is opposition to the sign of Sagittarius - Justice.
The same situation: the action of Freedom provokes the reaction of justice.
No doubt this must be according to all!

Twins – Freedom = 3 –  Sagittarius - Justice = 9

The next:

The sign of Cancer – Purity is opposition to the sign of Capricorn - Honor.
For the same case: pure quality affects the honor, as a reaction.
Although a delicate condition, that's right.

Cancer - Purity = 10 – Capricorn - Honor = 4

In sequence:

The sign of Lion –  Loyalty is opposition to the sign of Aquarius - Mercy.
Under the same conditions: the radical fidelity lacks his moderation by the Mercy reaction.
Perhaps a complex one, but it is also right.

Lion –  Loyalty = 5 – Aquarius - Mercy = 11

To complete the circle with the signs:

The sign of Virgin - Grace is opposition to the sign of Fish –  Love.
Finalizing in the same conditions: the action of Grace  influence in the reaction of Love.
With some thought, this is correct.

Virgin – Grace = 12 – Fish –  Love = 6

Many other correlations (to test the system) can be extracted by the observations, such as:

In logic with the following sign, the Courage uses the Respect as power; the Respect needs freedom for have value; the Freedom needs of the purity for to be cleaned; etc.

But for while, this would be sufficient for the study of numerology.

The significance of this first leson results in this image. There are twelve numbers with their names.

The evolution of the system comes from the order of 144 numbers; each with its logical name.

For that the student to begin to become familiar with the language of the cross:

Dedicated to the friend, Jude Teme Adonne


The language of the Cross (Cross Language)


The language of the Cross (Cross Language)

Lesson III


The language of the Cross (Cross Language)


The language of the Cross (Cross Language)

Lesson V


The language of the Cross (Cross Language)

Lesson VI


The language of the Cross (Cross Language)

Lesson VII


The language of the Cross (Cross Language)

Lesson VIII


The language of the Cross (Cross Language)

Lesson IX


The language of the Cross (Cross Language)

Lesson X


The language of the Cross (Cross Language)

Lesson XI



Lesson XIII

Lesson XIV

Lesson XV


Lesson XVI


Lesson XVII


Lesson XVIII


Lesson XIX


Lesson XX
