terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2016

Numeric Qualifier III

Previous reading: Numeric Qualifier II

Numeric qualifier - III

In extending this theme still follow the studies of the number Balance. As has been demonstrated numerically this property is important really. The calculation by the number Balance always results in significant value matching.

 It was seen that the number Balance of the Past (222222 / 7) divided by 7 resulted in the value 66 of the Present. The number Balance of the Present (210210 / 7) also divided by 7 resulted in the value 78 of the Past.  Because: 66 + 78 = 144.  
Really any number Balance divided by 7 results in their additional in relation to the number 144. The logical system of the 144 numbers is universal. If it were not so the method of cross language it would not be significant or consistent. However this results in extraordinary conclusions: philosophical, scientific, etc.
The number 7 that means Temperance implies: division, dependency, equilibrium, and equality. For this division by 7 the number Balance assures this system of the 144 numbers. It represents a certificate of guarantee. How it is possible to realize there is no arbitrariness in this numerical formation nominally too. Other numerical qualifications also attest to the system. But the number Balance is very special.
In the division by 7 (of the number Balance) identifies an additional value categorically. This numeric property is called:

Total Integration (or extreme among the 144 numbers: )

Generally in this numerical ratio the criterion is essentially particular. It depends on the numerical pair in question. In this relationship a number is like the reflection of the other.
Because of this subtlety in each case extracted a type of behavior. Actually the property is the same. The common denominator of the ratio is a complementary value or indicates a common situation. For examples it is simpler to understand:

Explicit – 62 82 – Shame

In this case it is easy to see a similar situation. But it is not easy to explain why particularly.
Not always Explicit (Not even as naked) matches with Shame. Explicit is not a cause of ashamed. Of it can also understand that: shame also means to hide, lie, and pretend.
In the same circumstances: shame it may just be intimate, secret, and discreet.
Even so one cannot disagree with this number combination.

1 Courage 143 – Supplication

It may also indicate a certain identity with the same situation.
In this case the situation is similar. The difficulty (or contingency) of both is confronting. Apparently courage has no resemblance with the supplication. The similarity between the two is a matter of attitude, decision. The supplication requires attitude, so as courage.  

Purity 10  134 – Immunity

Purification (10) tends to immunity (134). It is a complex situation but correct.

Prosperity – 44  100 – Opinion

The effect of prosperity (44) reflects how opinion (100). Opinion also means concept, definition, and theory.

Present 66 78 – Past

The present (66) is as an extension of the past (78).

Regardless of that number Balance besides this property (Total Integration) exist for instant qualification but also the other three:

Reverse Integration – a pair of numbers between 127 (Reverse)

Thus identifies incompatible numerical pairs (127 = a + b).

Grant – 57 70 – Chastity 57 + 70 = 127

The number 57 represents also "mother."  Why not combine with chastity, objectively.

Confidence 25 102 – Conciliation 25 + 102 = 127

For Confidence (25) there is no possibility of Conciliation (102). The Confidence (25) not changed. Only once recognizes and it forever.

Integration Percentage (%¨) – two terms between → 100 ←

Time – 30 → 100 ← 70 – Chastity

The Chastity (70) it’s only a matter of time (30). It exists only for the duration.

Conception – 43 → 100 ←57– Grant ("mother")

To be interpreted as each.

Similarity Numerical – The change numeric position

Opportunity 35  53 – Inexorable

The Opportunity (35) offers or appears. The Inexorable (53) is a requirement radical.

Grant 57  75 – Support

This curious numerical relationship it is up fun because: beyond the number 57 also indicate "mother"; 75 still varies its meaning as a representative of "father"

This subject competes on the basis of new knowledge called "the language of the cross" (Cross Language).

Explanations for this system concept: Cross Language

(To be continued)