terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2016

Cross Language VII

Cross Language: Lesson VII

Previous: Lesson: VI

Saying:   All knowledge that cannot be expressed by numbers, it is of poor and unsatisfactory quality (Lord Kelvin).

The language of the Cross (Cross Language)

Lesson VII

Whereas all learned the anterior lesson, follows the next:

With previous notions, the shape of the cross with new configuration – it went on to annunciate: a logical system determined by words and numbers.
This is due to the evolution of the simplest: the Cross. With harmony succeeds evolution, the most extreme greatness, universally. Thus the system determines a detailed study.
If the trigonometric circle, is defined by geometry mathematically. The intuitive figure of the Cross with words define the qualitative arithmetic. This is defined with integers numbers (as universal logic). 

In recapitulating (for the next discernment):

An isolated word does not mean much.

There is always an active principle (meaningful); between an active medium (as a resource); for a purpose (chosen). This integration exists logically. How example: Courage (1) as a principle; between Respect (8) as middle; and Love (3) as finality.

To expand the language the twelve determinants of the circle (the Cross) are considered Hierarchies. Between numbers, words and signs:

1 – Courage (Aries)
8 – Respect (Taurus)
3 – Freedom (Twins)
10 – Purity (Cancer)
5 – Loyalty (Lion)
12 – Grace (Virgin)
7 – Temperance (Libra)
2 – Silence (Scorpio)
9 – Justice (Sagittarius)
4 – Honor (Capricorn)
11 – Mercy (Aquarius)
6 – Love (Fish)

This numerical order has also been clarified. The arrangement of numbers is due to the musical system. Who studies music should understand the process (Already explained).

Each hierarchy - as standard - qualifies with its eleven members; as members of their numerical scale. Thus the Cross Language is built with the logic of 144 significant Numbers.

For continuation consistent is the following basic principle:

Most things in Creation are formed by dismemberments(Grail Message – Abdrushin).

Alias this only valid with a base already formed, as in this case.

For the musical order and other determinants:

Courage (1) extends and ends until the beginning of your eighth (Silence [210º]).
Anyway, in this situation Courage comes to mean: experience.
So experience is the first derivative of Courage.

13 = Experience – [Courage moderate]

Experience (13) in the position of silence (2) extends and ends when starting Freedom (3).
The effect results in Confidence (25). 25 = 13 (experience) + 12.

25 = Confidence

By the same procedure the Confidence (25) reaches (210º) Honor (4). The result:

37 = Responsibility (= 25 + 12)
Following Responsibility (37) reaches Fidelity (5). Thus Courage becomes Heroism.

49 = Heroism (37 + 12)

With another breakthrough by Heroism is achieved Love (6). This means Ascension.

61 = Ascension (49 + 12)

The Ascension decelerated to arrive in Temperance (7). This is the Triumph.

73 = Triumph (61 + 12)

Triumph encounters Respect (8). Persistence arises.

85 = Persistence (73 + 12)

The Persistence faces justice (9). It's time of the Veracity.

97 = Veracity (85 + 12)

The Veracity finds the Purity (10). Hence becomes the Hope.

109 = Hope (97 + 12)

Hope discovers Mercy (11). Then it results in the Independence.

121 = Independence (109 + 12)

At the end of the tour: Courage (as Independence) is full of Grace (12). By praise comes Gratitude.

133 = Gratitude (121 + 12)

For that student begins to become familiar with the language of the cross:144 Number Table
