Cross Language: Lesson VII
Previous: Lesson: VI
Saying: ❝All knowledge that cannot be
expressed by numbers, it is of poor and unsatisfactory quality (Lord Kelvin). ❞
language of the Cross (Cross Language)
Lesson VII
Whereas all learned the anterior lesson,
follows the next:
With previous notions, the shape of the cross – with new configuration
– it went on to
annunciate: a logical system determined by words and numbers.
This is due to the evolution of the simplest:
the Cross. With harmony succeeds evolution, the most extreme greatness, universally.
Thus the system determines a detailed study.
If the trigonometric circle, is defined by
geometry mathematically. The intuitive figure – of the Cross with words define the
qualitative arithmetic. This is defined with integers numbers (as universal
In recapitulating (for the next discernment):
An isolated word does not mean much.
There is always an active principle
(meaningful); between an active medium (as a resource); for a purpose (chosen).
This integration exists logically. How example: Courage (1) as a principle; between
Respect (8) as middle; and Love (3) as finality.
To expand the language the twelve determinants
of the circle (the Cross) are considered Hierarchies. Between numbers, words
and signs:
1 – Courage (Aries) ♈
8 – Respect (Taurus) ♉
3 – Freedom (Twins) ♊
10 – Purity (Cancer) ♋
5 – Loyalty (Lion) ♌
12 – Grace (Virgin) ♍
7 – Temperance (Libra) ♎
2 – Silence (Scorpio) ♏
9 – Justice (Sagittarius) ♐
4 – Honor (Capricorn) ♑
11 – Mercy (Aquarius) ♒
6 – Love (Fish) ♓
This numerical order has also been clarified. The
arrangement of numbers is due to the musical system. Who studies music should
understand the process (Already explained).
Each hierarchy - as standard - qualifies with
its eleven members; as members of their numerical scale. Thus the Cross
Language is built with the logic of 144 significant Numbers.
For continuation consistent is the following
basic principle:
❝Most things in Creation are formed by
dismemberments❞(Grail Message –
Alias this only valid with a base already
formed, as in this case.
For the musical order and other determinants:
Courage (1) extends and ends until the
beginning of your eighth (Silence [210º]).
Anyway, in this situation Courage comes to
mean: experience.
So experience is the first derivative of
13 = Experience – [Courage moderate]
Experience (13) in the position of silence (2)
extends and ends when starting Freedom (3).
The effect results in Confidence (25). 25 = 13
(experience) + 12.
25 = Confidence
By the same procedure the Confidence (25)
reaches (210º) Honor (4). The result:
37 = Responsibility (= 25 + 12)
Following Responsibility (37) reaches Fidelity (5).
Thus Courage becomes Heroism.
49 = Heroism (37 + 12)
With another breakthrough by Heroism is
achieved Love (6). This means Ascension.
61 = Ascension (49 + 12)
The Ascension decelerated to arrive in
Temperance (7). This is the Triumph.
73 = Triumph (61 + 12)
Triumph encounters Respect (8). Persistence
85 = Persistence (73 + 12)
The Persistence faces justice (9). It's time of
the Veracity.
97 = Veracity (85 + 12)
The Veracity finds the Purity (10). Hence
becomes the Hope.
109 = Hope (97 + 12)
Hope discovers Mercy (11). Then it results in
the Independence.
121 = Independence (109 + 12)
At the end of the tour: Courage (as
Independence) is full of Grace (12). By praise comes Gratitude.
133 = Gratitude (121 + 12)