terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2016

Cross Language XI

Cross Language: Lesson XI

Previous: Lesson: X

Saying:All knowledge that cannot be expressed by numbers, it is of poor and unsatisfactory quality (Lord Kelvin). 

The language of the Cross (Cross Language)

Lesson XI

Whereas all learned the anterior lesson, follows the next:

Summary as a reminder:

To expand the language the twelve determinants of the circle (the Cross) are considered Hierarchies. Between numbers, words and signs:

1 – Courage (Aries)
8 – Respect (Taurus)
3 – Freedom (Twins)
10 – Purity (Cancer)
5 – Loyalty (Lion)
12 – Grace (Virgin)
7 – Temperance (Libra)
2 – Silence (Scorpio)
9 – Justice (Sagittarius)
4 – Honor (Capricorn)
11 – Mercy (Aquarius)
6 – Love (Fish)

This numerical order has also been clarified. The arrangement of numbers is due to the musical system. Who studies music should understand the process (Already explained).

Each hierarchy - as standard - qualifies with its eleven members; as members of their numerical scale. Thus the Cross Language is built with the logic of 144 significant Numbers.


Please confirm observing figure!

Freedom (3) extends and ends until the beginning of your eighth (Honor [210º: ]).
Anyway, in this situation Freedom comes to mean: Sapience (15).
So Sapience is the first derivative of Freedom.

We must think logically: with free attitude (3) you learn for your Honor (4). Which requires refinement (4) also teaches, you learn.

15 = Sapience – (Freedom moderate) – [3 + 12]

Sapience (15) in the position of Honor (4) extends and ends when starting Loyalty (5).
The effect results in Sensibility (27). 27 = 15 (Sapience) + 12.

27 = Sensibility (15 + 12)

Now, the loyalty of sapience is the Sensibility! By reaction of knowledge (15) it develops sensitivity (27).

By the same procedure the Sensibility (27) reaches (210º) Love (6). The result:

39 = Illusion (27 + 12)

In this wanderings until [210º: ] the Love: the Sensibility (27) passionate find Illusion (39).

Following Illusion (39) reaches Temperance (7). Thus Freedom becomes Reality. After all, Reality (51) is a moderation of Illusion (39) consented by Freedom.

51 = Reality (39 + 12)

With another breakthrough by the Reality is reached the Respect (8). This means Incommensurable. Exceed the value (8) of Reality (51) 63 represents the number.

63 = Incommensurable (51 + 12)

The Incommensurable is reduced by find in the Justice (9). This is the Support.

75 = Support (63 + 12)

Support encounters Purity (10). The Mirth arises. This means enlightened support.

87 = Mirth (75 + 12)

The Mirth faces Mercy (11). It's time of the Maturity. This means the freedom of the wise.

99 = Maturity (87 + 12)

The Maturity finds the Grace (11). In this junction comes Usefulness. This number specifies the job, evidently.

111 = Usefulness (99 + 12)

Usefulness discovers Courage (1). Then it results in the Leadership.

123 = Leadership (111 + 12)

At the end of the tour: Freedom (as Leadership) concludes in the Silence (2). For this metamorphosis is defined Credulity.

135 = Credulity (123 + 12)

Credulity (135) only ends with the manifestation of Freedom (3).

Indeed, (for some reason) where there is no Credulity there can be no Freedom (3).

Yes indeed! This is a universal law.

Who lost Credulity (135) no more Freedom (3). Without faith everything must stop, lack motivation, it means paralysis.

As adage to this law: Faith (135) is the potential of freedom (3).

Illustrations to facilitate discernment:

This is an important lesson about freedom!

 Just wanting you can fly!

But you must believe! I have faith that I can fly.

Please believe that you can fly!

– We can fly !!!

For that student begins to become familiar with the language of the cross: 144 Number Table
