Cross Language: Lesson XIX
Previous: Lesson: XVIII
Saying:❝All knowledge that cannot be expressed by numbers, it
is of poor and unsatisfactory quality (Lord Kelvin). ❞
language of the Cross (Cross Language)
Lesson XIX
Whereas all learned the anterior lesson,
follows the next:
as a reminder:
To expand the language the twelve determinants
of the circle (the Cross) are considered Hierarchies. Between numbers, words
and signs:
1 – Courage (Aries) ♈
8 – Respect (Taurus) ♉
3 – Freedom (Twins) ♊
10 – Purity (Cancer) ♋
5 – Loyalty (Lion) ♌
12 – Grace (Virgin) ♍
7 – Temperance (Libra) ♎
2 – Silence (Scorpio) ♏
9 – Justice (Sagittarius) ♐
4 – Honor (Capricorn) ♑
11 – Mercy (Aquarius) ♒
6 – Love (Fish) ♓
This numerical order has also been clarified. The
arrangement of numbers is due to the musical system. Who studies music should
understand the process (Already explained).
Each hierarchy - as standard - qualifies with
its eleven members; as members of their numerical scale. Thus the Cross
Language is built with the logic of 144 significant Numbers.
Please confirm observing figure!
This cross by
definition (already made) expresses the quality cardinal:
In this sequence extend to the half of the
circle, with the next study of the number 7 (Temperance).
From now on (To avoid repetition) is a summary
for each number. The name of the numbers succeeds the same above manner: for
its advancement of 210º as summarized in the table.
Recognize why each name is the responsibility
of each:
7 – Temperance (Libra) ♎ after 210º ⇒ Respect (Taurus) = 19 – Beauty
19 – Beauty: Respect (Taurus) after 210º
⇒ Justice (Sagittarius)
= 31- Art
31– Art: Justice (Sagittarius) after 210º ⇒ Purity (Cancer) = 43 – Conception
43 – Conception: Purity (Cancer) after 210º ⇒ Mercy (Aquarius) = 55 –
55 – Harmony: Mercy (Aquarius) after 210º
⇒ Grace (Virgin) = 67 – Sustenance
67 – Sustenance: Grace (Virgin) after 210º ⇒ Courage (Aries) = 79 –
79 – Consolation: Courage (Aries) after 210º ⇒ Silence (Scorpio) = 91 – Regeneration
91 – Regeneration: Silence (Scorpio) after 210º ⇒ Freedom (Twins) = l03 –
l03 – Adaptation: Freedom (Twins) after 210º ⇒ Honor (Capricorn) = 115 –
115 – Form: Honor (Capricorn) after 210º
⇒ Loyalty (Lion)
= 127 – Reverse
127 – Reverse: Loyalty (Lion) after 210º
⇒ Love (Fish) = 139 – Inexhaustible
139 – Inexhaustible: Love (Fish) after 210º ⇒ Temperance (Libra) = 7
Thus the resulting hierarchy of Temperance:
7 – Temperance (Libra) ♎
19 – Beauty
31– Art:
43 – Conception
55 – Harmony
67 – Sustenance
79 – Consolation
91 – Regeneration
l03 – Adaptation
115 – Form: model
127 – Reverse
139 – Inexhaustible
The sequential evaluation study by numerical
designations is done as in the previous cases:
7 – Temperance/ 19 – Beauty/ 31– Art
By arrangement (by 3) the logic is clear: The Beauty (19) is justified by moderation
(7) and Art (31).
The other cases follow the same way:
19 – Beauty/ 31–
Art/ 43 – Conception
31– Art/ 43 –
Conception/ 55 – Harmony
43 – Conception/ 55
– Harmony/ 67 – Sustenance
For this reason no
need to provide repetitions. But the student should practice alone.
This evaluation
is more important to understand the link with the Temperance (7):
139 – Inexhaustible/ 7 – Temperance/ 19 – Beauty
The Temperance (7) starts within the
limits of the Inexhaustible (139) toward
the Beauty (19).
Really it is a universal law. This summary is
extracted much wisdom, philosophically.