Previous reading: Numeric Qualifier
qualifier - II
For the continuation of this theme with new
perspectives for the 21st century still follows on the number Balance. As already you know: this
feature confirms correlations between numbers. That is why before you need to
know the time numbers. The time numbers they are essential for a series of
various studies.
The time numbers are factors of the Hierarchy
of Love (number: 6) that means Active Finality. Because, the Love (6) it is
also called that.
Hierarchy of Love:
6 – Love
18 – Eternity
30 – Time
42 – Principle
54 – Infinite [also means: Future]
66 – Present [also means: [also mean: now today]
78 – Unforgettable [also means: past]
90 – Feeling
102 – Conciliation
114 – Dedication
126 – Sublimation
138 – Indulgence
Then these are the numbers for time dimension:
54 – Infinite [also means: Future]
66 – Present [also means: [also mean: now today]
78 – Unforgettable [also means: past]
According number Balance the dimensions of time there are correlated:
Time (30 or 174): 174174 / 143 = 1218; which implies reduced: 66 (present).
Indicates that the Time (30) calls (143) the
continuation or support of the present (66).
Present (66 or 210): 210210 / 143 =
1470; reduced is equal 30.
For the present (66) also supplicate time (30)
Past (78 or 222): 222222 / 143 = 1554; by
reduction equals 114.
The number 114 is complementary to the 30.
Because: 30 + 114 = 144.
Future (54 or 198): 198198/ 143 = 1386; by
reduction equals 90.
The number 90 equals 30 (Time) x 3; that is, its
Divisions 91 (Regeneration)
Time: 174174 / 91 = 42 (Principle)
Present: 210210 / 91 = 6 (Love)
Past: 222222 / 91 = 138 (Indulgence)
Future: 198198 / 91 = 18 Eternity
The results of this division (by 91) are
perfectly befitting with numerical references. For the Time (30): the modifying
(91) is the Principle (42); the Present (66) changes with Love (6); past (78) needs of the Indulgence (138); and the Future (54) aligns
with the Eternity (18)
Time (30) and Mystery
Time: 174174 / 77 = 102 (Conciliation)
Check it:
35 + 36 + 31 = 102; 30 + 34 + 38 = 102;
37 + 32 + 33 = 102
35 + 30 + 37 = 102; 36 + 34 + 32 = 102;
31 + 38 + 33 = 102
35 + 34 + 33 = 102; and: 37 + 34 + 31 = 102
As simple meaning: the function of time (30) is
the Conciliation. However an advanced interpretation this result is much more
significant. The number 102 besides characterizing the square of the time; it
means even more.
Present: 210210 / 77 = 2730 ⇒138 (Indulgence)
This result is evident: seek forgiveness.
Past: 222222 / 77 = 2886 ⇒ 6
The secret (77) of the past (78) is Love (6).
Future: 198198 / 77 = 2576 ⇒126 (Sublimation)
In the Future (54) it is expected Sublimation.
Time (30) and
Temperance (7)
For his feature the temperance (7) in general indicates
Time (30): 174174
/ 7 = 24882 ⇒ 114 (Dedication)
Dedication (114)
is the complementary factor of the Time (30). Because: 30 + 114 = 144.
Present: 210210 / 7 = 30030 78 ⇒
Past: 222222 / 7 = 31746 ⇒ 66
Future: 198198 / 7 = 28314 ⇒ 90 (Feeling)
In both cases results in complementary fact: 66
+ 78 = 144; 54 + 90 = 144.
How to become notorious: the main property of
the number Balance is to prove
nominal facts among the 144 numbers. In general studies also serve to explain the
specific reason of unexplained approximations.
Therefore there is no numerical arbitrariness in
that approach with time.
Including, a study on the relativity of time it
was made based on this scheme.
This subject competes on the basis of new
knowledge called "the language of the cross" (Cross Language).
Explanations for this system concept: Cross Language
(To be continued)