sábado, 25 de março de 2017

The Universal Square

The Universal Square

As stated in the explanations by numerical training for the Cross Language, three factors are basic in this ordering:

The direction of the astrological order;
The theoretical numerical logic;
Musical rules and scale criteria.

The text: ‘The Conception of the Cross’ (…) partly clarifies this resolution, briefly.

In order to ascertain the structural harmony of the 144 numbers, the assembly of a square of this order served as support. This is a procedure like that of the square of the cross already used previously. In this case the square includes 144 numbers obviously.  

This explanation refers to knowledge unprecedented notably. Many attempts have already been made by this harmonic resolution, universal. Only by reference should be mentioned:

Quadrature of the circle means to characterize both figures (Square and circle) with equivalent areas.”

"The universal (cosmic) cube is a body with six equal square surfaces."

“So the square as a symbol of matter considered from long ago, matches the origin of the world perfectly.”

“If  the  contents  of  the  circle  still  match the  square,  means  that  the spiritual  force  of   Creation  also  circulates  inside the cube of matter (Creation later).”  (Definition of Herbert Vollmann)

The criterion for this resolution is made by called the “magic square”, fundamentally. The book called "Form High Magic" of the author P. V. Piob sheds light on the subject. The book indicates procedures for assembling the squares. The basis of the resolutions is in function of the arithmetical progressions. Even employing the technique it's still difficult to set up a “magic square”. By definition and for use the author expresses the following:

Overall any resolution of a "Magic square" means a numerical relationship, symbolically. For this kind of solution, then, it is required some combination in advance, between whose numerical associations (Quantitative and qualitative) consists of an identity.
As an example of this genre the author illustrates with the work: The Melancholy, by Albert Dürel, which includes a “magic square”.

In view of the square of 144 numbers:

For those Who know the inexorable universal effect of the symbolism this would be the criterion.
Resolution: 144 (12²) = 9 (3²) x 16 (4²) 
Mounting: integration of two “Magic squares” (3² and 4²) defined.

If 9, 16 and 144 are square (), it is sufficient to integrate the corresponding parts (), technically. Just have the first two (3² and 4²) squares defined, obviously. With few attempts it was possible the solution of this square of 144 numbers.

Structural Value = 870

The Structural Value of this square (with 144 numbers) is equivalent to 870. Then the sum of each diagonal line and column results in 870, correspondingly. The 870 is a reference number significant to prove posterior.

Magic Square: 9 numbers

In dismemberment, 16 "magic squares" with 9 terms are distributed. Each of them only includes numbers of the same element referring to fire, earth, air or water. Examples:





Nine "magic squares" (With 16 terms) are positioned symmetrical also in the numerical system, apparently implicit. Just select numbers of the same position in the squares on nine terms. To exemplify the selection of the first position:

1 + 12 + 8 + 13 = 34
14 + 7 + 11 + 2 = 34
15 + 6 + 10 + 3 = 34
  4 + 9 + 5 + 16 = 34

The Structural Value of this square is equivalent to 870.

There are other harmonic effects still. But surprisingly unusual is with equivalent numerical substitution. In substituting numbers by degrees their position in the circle, other "magic squares" are formed also. The sum by row or column results in 165º ever. Structural Value = 165º. So equates to square the circle demonstrated.

That is why unlimited use of that numerical system is efficiently.